PTZ Camera Automation - How to use Rocosoft Timeline Player
PTZJoy Controller's Timeline Player is a powerful camera automation tool that lets users create play lists for pre-determined control of your camera(s). Use this feature to create schedules for your cameras to run presets, move in a specific direction at a specific speed, turn on and off, execute other specific commands, etc.
Commands available for scheduling:
- Call Presets
- Directional movements with variable speeds – Left, Right, Up, Down, Up-Left, Up-Right, Down-Left, Down-Right
- Zoom In and Out with variable speeds
- Power On/Off
- Backlight On/Off
- White Balance On/Off
- Manual Focus
- Auto Focus
- Focus In/Out
- Night Mode On/Off
- Camera Freeze On/Off
- Video Mute On/Off
- Negative Image On/Off
- B/W Image On/Off
- Call Macros
- Call Queues from specific Macros

How to create a Timeline Task Schedule
- Open the Timeline Task Manager by clicking the Timeline button towards the bottom of the PTZJoy main interface.
- Input the time you want this event to occur.
- Select the port and the camera you wish to create an event for from the drop-down menus.
- Select the desired command from the drop-down menu.
- Click Add Event.
- Repeat for as many Events as you want to add to your playlist and click Save Timeline.
- Click on Open Timeline to run your saved playlist and click on the Play button to start playing the Timeline.
You can edit events on any Timeline.